Respect for Human Rights

Respect for Human Rights

Policies and Basic Approach

In accordance with the Taisei Group Philosophy "To Create a Vibrant Environment for All Members of Society" ,the Action Guidelines for Taisei Personnel and the Taisei Group as a Whole states that all Group employees shall conduct business activities with respect for human rights.

In April 2022, based on a resolution of the Board, the Human Rights Policy that had been enacted in 2015 was revised to incorporate the clear commitment of the Taisei Group to fulfill the responsibility to respect human rights both within and outside the Taisei Group. The basic position of the Taisei Group as regards respect for human rights is to voluntarily, positively and proactively exercise its responsibilities as a corporate citizen to ensure that its business activities do not adversely impact human rights, and to contribute to the achievement of an inclusive society.

The Human Rights Policy emphasizes respect for the fundamental human rights and diversity of individuals, and prohibits any act that infringes on human rights, such as discrimination, harassment, and invasion of privacy on the grounds of race, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, age, social status, presence of disability, injury or illness and/or physical characteristics, etc. Based on the U.N.'s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Taisei observes laws and regulations, etc. related to human rights in countries and regions in which it conducts business activities. In addition, we support and respect international human rights standards such as the International Bill of Human Rights, which includes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In the event of a discrepancy between international human rights standards and national and regional laws and regulations, etc., Taisei seeks a method that achieves maximum respect for internationally recognized human rights. Our Group policy and basic perspective towards respecting human rights are disclosed on our website and communicated clearly through training and e-learning for employees; training and emails requesting self-assessments at the start of transactions for business partners; and media such as integrated reports for customers, shareholders, and investors. We thus request support for these policies and respect for human rights.

The Taisei Group will work together with various parties, including our business partners, to promote respect for human rights for all stakeholders involved in the Group's business activities.

Risks and Opportunities

The basis of business activities in the construction industry is a multitiered supply chain that extends throughout the country and the world, and is made up of skilled workers in many different fields, and companies that procure, process and transport raw materials and so on. To the Taisei Group, respect and consideration for the human rights of every person and entity throughout the entire supply chain that includes employees, skilled workers and local communities is a serious matter. Efforts to protect human rights at companies have grown more and more important in recent years. Taisei recognizes the need for efforts to protect human rights, both within the company and throughout the supply chain, and is promoting efforts to this end.


  • Action Guidelines for Taisei Personal: Cultivating an open corporate culture/Securing a pleasant working environment / Respect for fundamental human rights and diversity
  • Human Rights Policy
  • Human Resources Development Policy (Diversity & Inclusion Policy)
  • [TAISEI VISION 2030]Achievement Plan:Policy on Business Foundation Development / Sustainability Strategy(Human Rights)

Support for Human Rights in the UN Global Compact

In April 2018, the Taisei Group announced its support for the UN Global Compact and its two principles relating to human rights.
We also support and respect international standards relating to human rights such as the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), the Children's Rights and Business Principles, the International Bill of Human Rights that includes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

The Principles of the UN Global Compact

Human Rights Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Labour Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Environment Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.;
Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Anti-Corruption Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.



We will contribute to the realization of an inclusive society by voluntarily, positively and proactively fulfilling our corporate responsibilities so as not to cause any adverse impact on human rights in connection with our business activities.



  • United Nations Global Compact,“Human Rights,” “Labor,”“Environment,” and “Anti-Corruption”
  • My Declaration of Human Rights (Ministry of Justice)
  • ISO26000
  • HRDD Sub-Committee (GCNJ)
  • Supply Chain Sub-Committee(GCNJ)

Sustainability Governance and Oversight

Promotion System of Human Rights Initiatives

Taisei Corporation regards human rights to be a key sustainability issue, and cooperation between the Compliance Committee, the Personnel Committee, and other committees under the supervision of the Sustainability Committee within the Board is implemented to promote various initiatives on respect for human rights.
With regard to everyday respect for human rights and preventing / mitigating adverse impacts on human rights, the Chief of the Sustainability Division (integrated), (who is also the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSuO)) is responsible for the Sustainability Management Promotion Division, which works with other departments, the Human Rights Awareness Promotion Committee, and the Sustainable Procurement Committee to make efforts toward human rights due diligence and awareness in order to improve and enhance respect for human rights.

Organization Description of Activities
Sustainability Committee (Committee within Board)
  • This committee oversees efforts for human rights due diligence and for respecting human rights. Important matters relating to human rights are discussed in advance, first at a Management Committee and then at a meeting of the Sustainability Committee, after which they are referred and reported to the Board. The Sustainability Committee revises and abolishes, works to ensure thorough familiarization of, and determines the status of compliance with the Action Guidelines for Taisei Personnel and the Taisei Group as a Whole and also revises the Human Rights Policy and confirms the status of operation of the Corporate Ethics Helpline that has been discussed by the Compliance Committee.
Compliance Committee (Special Committee)
  • The Compliance Committee is headed by an outside expert (lawyer) and has been set up as a Special Committee that answers to an advisor to the president. The committee deliberates the thoroughness of compliance and works to prevent human rights violations such as preventing harassment and discrimination.
Personnel Committee (Business Committee)
  • The Personnel Committee drafts a variety of personnel measures, monitors implementation status and deliberates follow-up procedures. Depending on the content, issues are referred to Management Committee and the Board . The Committee also discusses the status of compliance with the Human Resources Development Policy (Diversity & Inclusion Policy) and the results of the engagement survey, as well as matters relating to the human rights of employees, and works to promote respect for human rights.
Human Rights Awareness Promotion Committee
  • The Human Rights Awareness Promotion Committee, chaired by the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSuO) and made up of promotion committee members at the head office divisions and all branches, discusses basic policy, measures etc. relating to human rights issues, and then formulates human rights training and other human rights education activities and promotes ongoing activities to improve awareness of human rights.
Sustainable Procurement Committee
  • The Sustainable Procurement Committee is made up of the managers of departments involved in procurement (civil engineering, building construction, procurement and safety) and personnel from the Sustainability Planning Department. It revises the Taisei Group of Companies Sustainable Procurement Guidelines and conducts studies relating to the sustainable procurement opinion survey and so on.
Taisei Corporation Human Rights Awareness Promotion Committee

In 1984, Taisei established the Taisei Corporation Human Rights Awareness Promotion Committee, made up of promotion members at the head office and all branch offices, for the purpose of supporting excellent character-building for employees and nurturing employees who are very aware of the importance of human rights. Each year, the Committee discusses policies and measures relating to human rights issues, formulates activity plans, and reviews human rights awareness promotion activities, in order to promote human rights awareness activities throughout the company and in individual departments. Moreover, once each year, in coordination with the annual committee meeting, a training session by outside specialists is held in an effort to increase awareness of the importance of human rights.

  • Frequency: Twice a year
  • Head Office Committee Members
    • Chairperson: Chief of Sustainability Division (Integrated)
    • Deputy Chairperson: Chief of Sustainability Management Promotion Division
    • Deputy Chairperson: Manager of Human Resources Department of Business Administration Division
    • Committee: Managers of Administration Department of each division (16 department)
    • Secretariat : Chief Manager of Planning Section. Sustainability Planning Department
  • Branch Office (domestic/overseas) Committee Members
    • Chairperson: Manager of Administration Department
    • Members: Managers of individual department
    • Organizers: Managers of General Affairs Section and Administration Section

Contacts for Consultations regarding Human Rights Violations and Relief

Taisei has set up a variety of contacts to handle consultations regarding human rights infringements from all stakeholders both within and outside the company. In the event that the Taisei Group has been determined to be the cause of, or a contributing factor to, an adverse impact on human rights, we will take prompt action using appropriate means to provide relief and implement corrective action in accordance with our Human Rights Policy.

Activities / Efforts

Human Rights Impact Assessment, Prevention, and Mitigation

Adverse impacts on human rights that the Group's business activities have or may have on various stakeholders are extracted as a facet of human rights due diligence according to the Human Rights Policy. We quantitatively analyze and assess these effects, and we identify key human rights issues for each stakeholder to be addressed in our efforts to prevent and mitigate Adverse impacts.
Furthermore, the significance of how a lack of efforts made toward human rights issues will impact the Group is evaluated through company-wide risk management. With this, "risks related to human rights" and "risk associated with the working environment" are raised as key company-wide risks, and measures are implemented according to the company-wide risk management system for preventing and mitigating such risks.
For example, measures such as e-learning for all officers and employees, training for executives, appropriate allocation of personnel, and promotion of supervisor and subordinate communication are being implemented as priority measures to address "long working hours" and "discrimination/harassment," which have been identified as human rights issues for employees.

Human Rights Education Activities

In accordance with the Taisei Group Philosophy "To Create a Vibrant Environment for All Members of Society" and "Respect for fundamental human rights and diversity" in the Action Guidelines for Taisei Personnel and the Taisei Group as a Whole, Taisei conducts ongoing activities to foster a corporate culture of respect for human rights, and to continue to improve awareness of human rights throughout the entire Taisei Group.

In April 2022, the Human Rights Policy that was enacted in 2015 was revised to incorporate the clear commitment of the Taisei Group to fulfill the responsibility to respect human rights both within and outside the company. As a specific activity in this regard, a Human Rights Due Diligence mechanism was established and is being implemented.
Moreover, Taisei has posted its Human Rights Policy on its website to make its policy clear to all stakeholders, and has also issued the Taisei Group of Companies Sustainable Procurement Guidelines that require respect for human rights in all business activities.

Taisei has prepared the Taisei Sustainability Handbook, a training manual that explains activities relating to sustainability issues that include the Human Rights Policy, human rights due diligence and other matters concerning respect for human rights. This handbook is issued to every employee at Taisei Corporation and the Taisei Group companies to ensure a thorough understanding of the Human Rights Policy. Briefings are also held at individual departments to ensure understanding.

Furthermore, to ensure that each employee has a deep understanding of the Human Rights Policy and is able to conduct business activities with respect for human rights, online training sessions are conducted each year for all employees, and human rights training is incorporated into the educational programs for employees at each level and within each department. Group training is conducted for a variety of topics including international human rights issues, the Burakumin issue, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ issues, harassment and so on.

In addition, we conduct various types of training for employees about the importance of respecting human rights. Employees who are the consultation contact for human rights violations established in each department receive online training by specialists. In addition, employees at the managerial level and above view training videos designed to prevent power harassment and bullying and receive training in how to respond to incidents, and participate in the Human Rights Awareness Supervisor Training sponsored by the Industrial Federation for Human Rights, Tokyo and held for newly appointed members of the Human Rights Awareness Promotion Committee.

We also conduct ongoing activities to promote awareness of human rights, including publishing and distributing to all employees a “Human Rights Handbook” about the importance of respecting human rights and a handbook for supporting persons with disabilities (Happy Communication Guidebook), as well as soliciting essays and slogans on human rights each year and awarding prizes for outstanding contributions.

Fiscal Year Activities
FY 2022
  • Revision of Human Rights Policy
  • Revision of Taisei Group of Companies Sustainable Procurement Guidelines
  • Preparation of Taisei Sustainability Handbook that takes into account the Human Rights Policy and human rights activities of the Taisei Group, and distribution to all Taisei and Group company employees (25,000 copies). In addition, holding of explanatory briefings to ensure a thorough understanding of the Human Rights Policy and the Sustainable Procurement Guidelines.
  • Dialogue on human rights issues between the Taisei CSuO and experts with a knowledge of global human rights issues, and release of an integrated report
  • Human rights training and compliance training for all executives and regular employees
  • Opinion survey type self-assessment for 1,590 primary subcontractors and suppliers, and interviews with 20 subcontractors and suppliers
  • Training workshops and online learning for subcontractors and suppliers
  • Opinion survey of owners of 251 companies that have accepted foreign technical interns and interviews at individual companies
  • Interviews with foreign technical interns
  • Interviews with foreign suppliers
FY 2021
  • Identification of high risk sectors for human rights in the supply chain and review by outside experts, based on result of opinion survey of suppliers conducted during the previous fiscal year and international guidance relating to human rights
  • Disclosure on website of mechanism for Human Rights Due Diligence and identified human rights risks
  • Human rights training and compliance training for all executives and regular employees, in addition to CSR (now "Sustainable") Procurement training
FY 2020
  • Opinion survey of 1,116 primary suppliers and site visit survey of 12 supplier companies to confirm that there are no human rights issues
  • Human rights training and compliance training for all executives and regular employees, in addition to CSR (now "Sustainable") Procurement training

Human Rights Due Diligence

To fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights and prevent or mitigate adverse impacts on human rights resulting from its business activities, the Taisei Group has established the framework for Human Rights Due Diligence that it operates in an ongoing manner, in accordance with the United Nations "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” and the Japanese government's "Guidelines for Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains," etc.

Participation in the Construction and Real Estate Human Rights Due Diligence Promotion Council

Taisei participates in the Construction and Real Estate Human Rights Due Diligence Promotion Council, which was established by developers and general contractors without regard to industry boundaries. We share the content of our initiatives related to human rights due diligence, and we conduct surveys and research on advanced cases to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights.

Stakeholder Engagement with regard to Human Rights Issues

With regard to the impact of its business activities on human rights, the Taisei Group employs the knowledge of outside specialized institutions and the like and conducts dialogue and discussions with stakeholders as needed to promote activities to ensure respect for human rights, based on its Human Rights Policy. In 2023, Taisei held discussions between its Chief of Sustainability Management Promotion Division and an outside expert in order to be consulted and receive an assessment of our human rights initiatives. (See below for the documented meeting (Japanese only).)

Moreover, with regard to significant human rights issues in the construction industry, the Taisei Group Human Rights Policy stresses the need to thoroughly eliminate human rights violations involving foreign workers in particular, and Taisei emphasizes respect for the human rights of foreign workers who are in a vulnerable position. From FY2022, Taisei has consecutively conducted interviews with foreign technical interns as well as exchanges of information with the owners of the companies that had accepted interns.

Furthermore, Taisei visits and audits primary and secondary subcontractors and suppliers as part of its Human Rights Due Diligence activities, in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and on these occasions exchanges of views are held with company owners and best practices are shared.

Through these efforts, Taisei strives to determine the adverse impacts of the business activities of the Taisei Group on human rights, and continuously strives to prevent or reduce these impacts. Taisei also complies with laws and regulations for the prevention of human trafficking, child labor and forced labor, and those relating to equal work, equal compensation, immigrant labor and so on, and works to ensure respect for human rights.


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