Management of Information and Intellectual Property Rights

Management of Information and Intellectual Property Rights

Policies and Basic Approach

The sharing of information with many clients, subcontractors and suppliers and other stakeholders in construction projects is essential in the construction industry. The Taisei Group includes "Management of Information and Intellectual Property Rights" in its Action Guidelines, and Taisei implements various policies relating to information security. In addition to establishing the Policy on the Protection of Personal Information and Code of Conduct on the Use of Social Media, the Taisei Group has also established a Policy on Intellectual Property and faithfully implements intellectual property strategies that include those to create, protect and use intellectual property, to reduce risks relating to intellectual property, and to make strategic use of intellectual property for brand enhancement.



*Accidents and incidents that occur in the business activities that may cause significantly loss to corporate management of the Company and its Group companies.


  • Nippon CSIRT Association
  • Cyber Risk Intelligence Center—Cross Sectors Forum (CRIC CSF)
  • Information Security Subcommittee ([Nikkenren] Japan Federation of Construction Industry)

Sustainability Governance and Oversight

Intellectual Property Strategy

Taisei Corporation has formulated the Policy on Intellectual Property and faithfully implements its intellectual property strategies. We strategically manage and utilize all intellectual property including patents, copyright, construction and business know-how to promote management that is focused on intellectual property. Regarding management of intellectual property, we intend to improve operational efficiency through building a search function for our own patents and preparing a database for managing patents.
We implement thorough risk management in all business processes to prevent and mitigate intellectual property-related risks that may cause a material impact on business management, such as infringement of our rights or rights of others, and technology leakage. We have established the Rules for Handling Intellectual Property Information, and ensure the management of classified information based on this. We also take measures to reduce the risk of infringing the intellectual property rights of third parties, such as making the technical departments and business departments thoroughly aware of other companies' patent information.
In addition, we have been further enhancing the intellectual property capabilities of the entire Group by establishing systems and exchanging information on intellectual property across the Group.
We also conduct training to ensure that employees are fully informed about this policy and utilize intellectual property strategically in order to strengthen our competitiveness and improve our corporate value.

Information Security Measures

At Taisei Corporation, we have compiled a booklet containing minimum rules to be observed and have been providing education and guidance to all officers and employees as well as business partners. Since fiscal 2016, we have been working to strengthen the information security environment at our overseas sales offices and worksites. We also work to strengthen measures against the risk of information leaks associated with telecommuting (working from home).In addition, in order to prevent and mitigate intellectual property risks such as infringements of rights and technology leaks that have a serious impact on corporate management, we implement thorough risk management in all business processes.
To respond to the increasingly serious risk of cyber attacks, we established the Taisei-Security Incident Response Team (SIRT) and work to collect the latest information on cyber attacks and take measures to prevent cyber attacks in cooperation with external organizations through the Nippon CSIRT Association, which we joined in March 2013.
From a technical perspective, the Taisei Group has adopted a Group-wide ICT infrastructure while fully taking measures to ensure information security to prepare to promote DX in business activities and to handle changes in the environment, such as those brought about by pandemics. As of FY2022, we had built a zero trust network access environment, achieving an IT usage environment in which all executives and employees are able to safely access corporate information via the Internet to work anytime, anywhere.


Governance Data
