Ensuring Quality and Improving Technology

Ensuring Quality and Improving Technology

Policies and Basic Approach

In its Quality Policy, Taisei Construction defines its critical mission as the efficient and ongoing delivery of high-quality construction products and associated services to its clients and the broader society. Each division—Building Construction, Civil Engineering, Design, Engineering, and Nuclear Facility—operates under distinct policies, pushing forward their production activities effectively. Each division and affiliated company has achieved ISO 9001 certification. They implement quality management, and both the Civil Engineering Division and Building Construction Division have formulated manuals and operational procedures. We collaborate closely with all relevant departments to uphold stringent quality control, aim to eliminate any defects attributed to quality, carry out customer satisfaction surveys post-project completion, and prioritize fostering stronger relationships with our clients.

Risks and Opportunities

If our commitment to quality assurance falls short, risks such as harming the health and safety of our clients due to quality deficiencies and malfunctions may arise. This can also result in devaluation of assets, and there is the associated risk of cost escalations and reduced productivity due to the need for rework or modifications. Furthermore, with the demographic shifts of a declining birthrate and aging population, there is an impending risk of a decreasing pool of skilled technicians and a diminished labor force, leading to potential lapses in quality control.
Conversely, adopting new technologies like automation and robot utilization, and leveraging digital technology to enhance quality control and productivity can bolster the Group’s competitive advantage. This not only enhances our corporate value but also elevates our reputation among our stakeholders.

Policies / Commitmetns

  • Action Guidelines for Taisei: Pursuing customer satisfaction, ensuring and improving safety and quality
  • Quality Policy
  • [TAISEI VISION 2030] Achievement Plan / Policy on Business Foundation Development: Quality



Customer satisfaction rate
Building Constructiion Division
  • In the Building Construction Division, each branch conducts a questionnaire survey on customer satisfaction. The survey questions are on a five-point scale, and include those on workmanship, usability, and worksite office management during construction. The satisfaction rate in FY2023 was 82.8%.
  • For low scoring items, we analyze their causes, establish countermeasures, and reflect them in post-construction review meetings. In this way, we aim for further improvement and the establishment of good relationships with customers.
  • Civil Engineering Division
  • Calculated based on the owner’s construction evaluation scores as a metric, the satisfaction rate for FY2023 was 98.6%.
  • We also conduct interviews, and each branch shares these results in construction review meetings, aiming for improvements.Both the head office and branches are united in their commitment to continually enhance customer satisfaction.
Productivity (Net sales/number of staff)

One of the indicators used to gauge the outcomes of technological advancement is per capita productivity, calculated as net sales divided by the number of staff. By making these outcomes transparent and fostering a heightened awareness of “productivity” amongst every employee, our entire group collaboratively revisits business processes to strive for enhanced productivity. For FY2023, the productivity figure stood at ¥70 million.


  • ISO9001

Sustainability Governance and Oversight

Toward an Effective System

Having reflected upon our failure to satisfy steel erection accuracy requirements highlighted in FY2022, we are steadfast in our dedication to bolstering mechanisms that prevent a reoccurrence.
This includes bolstering mechanisms to reliably operate the quality control process. All our staff members are recommitting to the ethos of “TAISEI QUALITY—Quality is Our Pride” and reinforcing the fundamental principles.
As part of our action plan, we have inaugurated a new Quality Control Division. Distinct from the Building Construction Division and directly overseen by the president, its mandate is to rigorously uphold the quality control processes related to building projects. This division, with its specialized focus on quality control supervision and monitoring, takes the lead in forestalling construction-related quality issues. They also ensure adherence to customer specifications and contracts. If and when quality issues arise during or postconstruction, the division steps in, offering expert oversight and guidance.
Specifically, the head office’s Quality Patrol, along with interim and final inspections, evaluates the implementation status of the quality control processes from an impartial third party perspective, adhering to the Construction Operation Standards. When on-site construction does not align with these standards or when issues arise, the site supervisor is given clear directives and deadlines for rectifications. If these issues remain unaddressed, the branch receives orders to halt the construction and ensure necessary corrections.
Additionally, periodic reviews are conducted on the tasks of branch technical departments.
These checks and balances, combined with continual support and guidance, ensure the sustained effectiveness of our quality control processes and offer invaluable assistance to dedicated quality control personnel at both worksites and branches.

Our Group's activities for quality promotion are summarized into TAISEI QUALITY. The Taisei Group employees are proud to dedicate to quality, and strive to earn the trust of customers and society.

Quality Policy of each Division

Building Construction Division

Following the revision of ISO 9001 in its 2015 edition, we have aligned the Construction Operation Standards as the benchmark for our quality control manual. We champion quality control by executing workflows in accordance with this standard. Our divisional quality policies are centered on consistently offering construction products and services of high caliber that cater to the expectations of clients and society. We commit to ensuring customer satisfaction and trust and place emphasis on nurturing enhanced relationships with our clientele.

Civil Engineering Division

Aiming to deliver superior civil engineering structures tailored to client needs, we harness our expertise and organizational strength as a comprehensive construction entity. With the genuine and swift collaboration of everyone involved in a project, we strive to achieve a standard of quality and service that resonates with client satisfaction. We also endeavor to enhance customer satisfaction by perpetually refining the efficiency of our quality management system, targeting its more proficient application.

Engineering Division

The Engineering Division was established in 1968 as the first engineering division among general construction companies in Japan and has the longest history and a proven track record spanning more than 50 years. For more than 20 years since it obtained ISO9001 certification in 1996, the first among all divisions in Taisei Corporation, it has engaged in quality management activities, realizing customer needs and building the trust of many customers.
In 2020, the Engineering Division switched to the same certification body as the Building Construction Division and Design Division, and further continues to take great strides as a division capable of satisfying requirements consistently from project planning to design and construction.
In order to achieve customer satisfaction, the Engineering Division upholds “continuously providing high-quality facilities and services that satisfy customer needs” as its own quality policy under the corporate Quality Policy and engages in activities to improve quality by establishing specific principles of conduct as follows:

  1. Precisely identify and address client requirements
  2. Develop human capital capable of delivering innovative services
  3. Adhere to all laws and regulations
  4. Implement and continuously maintain a suitable quality management system
Design Division

Both the Design Division and its eight branch departments have collectively achieved ISO 9001 certification. This ensures a consistently high standard of design quality across all our departments nationwide. In 2016, we founded the Taisei Construction’s First-Class Architect Supervision Office, granting it independent authority to oversee construction projects. With the swift advancements in ICT and the evolving nature of work, it is essential to reassess our systems to manage emerging risks tied to these changes.
Back in 2002, our Design Division was a pioneer in the construction sector by securing the Information Security Management System Certification (previously BS 7799, now ISO 27001). We are holistically advancing our quality standards through ISO-driven initiatives spanning quality, environment, and information security.

Nuclear Facilities Division

Under the umbrella of the Company’s Quality Policy, this division is committed to elevating the safety, reliability, and environmental preservation of nuclear-related facilities. This commitment extends to designing, surveying, researching and developing, conducting demonstration tests, and offering technical support to nuclear facilities.
As required, we adhere to the Rules of Quality Assurance for Safety of Nuclear Power Plants JEAC 4111 (by the Japan Electric Association), the Guidelines for Quality Improvement of Analysis Services Pertaining to Licensing at Nuclear Facilities (by the Japan Nuclear Safety Institute), and the Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facilities NQA-1 (by The American Society for Mechanical Engineers or ASME). We ensure alignment with the unique quality assurance expectations of our clients, which include major electric power corporations.

Activities / Efforts

Productivity Improvement Initiatives

Taisei Corporation utilizes T-CIM® and BIM to manage the information obtained through planning, design, construction and operation. We also established the DX Promotion Committee in fiscal 2020, and build a structure to work on DX on a company-wide basis. We provide the best service and solution to each customer, while reviewing our business processes by visualizing performance with productivity per person (sales/number of employees) as an indicator to raise each employee's awareness on productivity. In this way, we are working together as one group to improve productivity.

T-CIM® is our proprietary system that integrates a construction system utilizing Information and Communications Technology CIM (Construction Information Modeling) proposed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, with attribute information associated with a 3D model of each construction project.
BIM, an abbreviation for Building Information Modeling, is a construction information database which links a 3D building model created with a computer and attribute information including the specification, layout and cost of building components and equipment.

Innovation of construction production system with T-CIM®(Civil Engineering Division)

Since 2014, the Civil Engineering Division has been developing the T-CIM® system that aims to improve productivity and quality at construction sites. Construction Information Modeling/Management (CIM) promoted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) since 2012 is a technology that links a 3D model with attribute information including construction member specifications. Our proprietary T-CIM® system, however, is characterized by the fact that it does not require 3D modeling.
There are several types of T-CIM® systems, including T-CIM® /Concrete that supports general concrete works and T-CIM® /Tunnel that supports specialized construction works, as well as other types of T-CIM® systems specialized in different works related to earthmoving, dams, shields, bridges, railways, marine engineering, soil decontamination and others. All of these systems allow users to view the final as-built image, quality information and progress information from anywhere by utilizing cloud computing.
In particular, the T-CIM®/Concrete system manages information ranging from mixing of fresh concrete* to concrete placing by cloud computing over the Internet. The system allows users to view the progress status on a real-time basis and is being deployed to not only civil engineering sites but also construction sites. The effectiveness of the system has been confirmed by the MLIT's Public/Private R&D Investment Strategic Expansion Program (PRISM) in FY2018/FY2019/FY2020 and received high acclaim.

Human Resources Development of the Next Generation of Engineers and Woman Engineers

Building Meister System / HQ Staff's Coaching System(Building Construction Division)

The “meister system” and the “HQ staff's coaching system” were put into practice from 2009 as part of the “TAISEI QUALITY” activities to promote the acquisition of skills and expertise in order to securely pass along our technologies and know-how, with the aim of strengthening productivity and the construction management system.
The employee's appointed as meister and the executive staff of the Building Construction Division, with abundant on-site experience, make actual visits to the sites and provide education and guidance on the skills and quality/site management and other capabilities through OJT, in close contact with the young and middle-aged employee's.

Educational Supporter System (Civil Engineering Division)

Under the “educational supporter system” introduced in 2009, educational supporters appointed from among employee's with experience as construction site managers check the progress of OJT education of young employee's and provide support and guidance. The Civil Engineering Division strengthens employee's management capability to reinforce productivity and the production system, in addition to “improvement of the working environment” and “securing of human resources.” Specifically, under the goal of “increasing the employee's capabilities at production sites,” the “On the Job Training (OJT) education” is introduced and operated to enhance the capabilities of process management, design, estimation, negotiation and action, among others.

Promoting Female Participation through Kensetsu Komachi

Taisei supports the “Kensetsu Komachi” project of the Japan Federation of Construction Contractors in order to boost the activities of female engineers as one part of its effort to promote an active role for women in construction workplaces. Since 2014, Taisei has provided opportunities for dialogue between executives and female engineers in its Civil Engineering and Building Construction Divisions in an effort to create a workplace environment in which women can thrive.
Through activities such as this, Taisei works to incorporate the perspective of women in its in-house operations in the belief that this will create new value. Taisei also participates as a member of the Kensetsu Komachi Committee established by the Japan Federation of Construction Contractors and works to collect data on construction companies that are engaged in progressive initiatives. We will continue to work to create a workplace environment in which the talents of female employees are recognized and manifested.

The Kensetsu Komachi Empowerment Award was established by Nikkenren with the objective of hiring and retaining workers, advancing diversity, and renewing the image of the construction industry for greater female participation in the industry.

Thorough information security management

Thorough management of customer information

To thoroughly manage information, as required by our customers, we establish security levels commensurate with the degree of confidentiality of each construction, steadily share these levels with the relevant parties within the company, and appropriately manage customer information, based on the Guidelines for Managing Customer Information.

Improving the information security levels across the construction industry

Taisei is engaged in activities to improve the information security levels across the construction industry, by taking part in the Information Security Section of the ICT Promotion Subcommittee of the Japan Federation of Construction Contractors, joining in the preparation of guidelines, pamphlets, posters, and videos, as well as lecturing at information security seminars.
As a unique undertaking for Taisei Corporation, we conduct annual information security training for certain contractors that handle highly confidential construction information.
Additionally, to allow everyone to check the status of security measures of their computers, we provide free of charge a “PC security diagnostic website,” jointly developed with a security vendor, and through joint use by Taisei Corporation and its business partners and peers, we are aiming to upgrade not only our own security level but also that of the construction industry as a whole.


ISO14001/ISO9001/ISO45001 Acquisition Status

  ISO9001 ISO14001 ISO45001
Civil Engineering Division
Building Construction Division
Design Division*2
Engineering Division
Nuclear Facilities Division
Taisei-Yuraku Real Estate Co., Ltd. ◯*4 ◯*1
TAISEI U-LEC CO., LTD. ◯*1 ◯*1
J-FAST Co., Ltd.
PS Construction Co., Ltd. ―*6
Overseas Subsidiaries TAISEI (THAILAND) CO., LTD. ◯*7 ◯*7
  • *1Collectively acquired the marked ISO by whole company.
  • *2TAISEI CORPORATION Design Division has also acquired IS027001 (Information security management systems).
  • *3TAISEI ROTEC CORPORATION (Civil Engineering Business Division / Product Business Division / Construction Business Division) has acquired the marked ISO.
  • *4Taisei-Yuraku Real Estate Co., Ltd. Building Management Headquarters (Scope: Building maintenance work of 5 branches in Capital area), Condominium management Business Headquarters (Scope: accounting procedure application about Condominium Management) and Kyusyu Branch (Scope: Building maintenance work) has acquired the marked ISO.
  • *5SEIWA RENEWAL WORKS CO., LTD. Construction Management Department and Machinery Management Department has acquired the marked ISO.
  • *6The Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) of PS Construction Co., Ltd. has acquired the Construction Occupational Health and Safety Management System (COHSMS).
  • *7TAISEI (THAILAND) CO., LTD. has acquired both the UK certification (international standard) and Thai certification (Thai standard).
  • *8PT.TAISEI PULAUINTAN CONSTRUCTION INTERNATIONAL has also acquired the SMK3 (Indonesian version of ISO45001).

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