Sustainability of the Taisei Group

Sustainability of the Taisei Group

Sustainability Initiatives

In 1990, Taisei Corporation established the Group Philosophy of “To Create a Vibrant Environment for All Members of Society.” Since then, the Company has been committed to building social infrastructure that supports daily life, with a strong emphasis on valuing both “people” and “the environment.” As the concept of “sustainability” has become deeply ingrained in society, the importance of both “people” and the “environment” has grown even more profound. Guided by our Group Philosophy, we will continue to strive for sustainable growth and enhanced corporate value by engaging in “The Works to Create Landmarks, Looking Ahead” addressing sustainability challenges for our clients and society through value creation and our business activities.

Fundamental Policy on Sustainable Development

We, Taisei Group, set this Fundamental Policy on Sustainable Development to realize
Sustainability Transformation (SX), which aims to resolve sustainable development issues through
our businesses centered on the construction industry, and to contribute to the development of
a resilient society where people can live affluent and cultural lives.

In line with the Group Philosophy and the Taisei Spirit, we have established the “Fundamental Policy on Sustainable Development.” This policy identifies the most critical sustainability issues as materiality.
The priority measures, specific actions, and KPIs related to these material issues are integrated into the [TAISEI VISION 2030] Achievement Plan and the Medium-Term Business Plan (2024-2026). The Board regularly monitors progress and the degree of achievement.


The Group has established a Sustainability Committee as a committee within the Board to ensure that the Board adequately oversees the promotion of sustainability and strengthens the Group’s overall sustainability management.
This committee, chaired by an External Member of the Board, deliberates on important sustainability-related issues and reports its findings to the Board.
On the executive side, various Operation Committees, including the Sustainability Promotion Committee, have been established under the Management Committee to ensure timely and thorough discussions on individual sustainability-related issues.
For business execution, the Chief of Sustainability Division (Integrated) has been appointed as the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSuO). The Sustainability Division (Integrated), in collaboration with each division, promotes activities aimed at resolving sustainability issues through our business operations.

Sustainability Management Promotion System

Sustainability Management Promotion System

Activities of the Sustainability Committee and Various Operating Committees

Sustainability Committee

(As of January 1, 2025)

Chairperson External Member of the Board Fumiya KOKUBU
Members Internal Member of the Board Yoshiro AIKAWA
Yuichiro YOSHINO
External Member of the Board Tsutomu KAMIJO
Observer External Audit & Supervisory Board Member Keiko OHARA
Secretariat Sustainability Management Promotion Division, Sustainability Planning Department


In FY2023, the Sustainability Committee met three times (including written meetings). The main topics of discussion were as follows:

Date Main Topics of Deliberation
August 2023
  • Implementation of human rights due diligence
  • Priority risk selection for environmental due diligence
  • Compliance with the Action Guidelines for Taisei Personnel and the Taisei Group as a Whole
  • FY2022 KPI results for the Medium-Term Business Plan (2021-2023)
January 2024
  • Support for TNFD recommendations (Early registration)
February 2024
  • CO2 reduction targets for 2026 and 2030
  • Status of external ESG evaluation
Various Committees

For significant matters such as sustainability, corporate ethics, and technology strategies, specific committees develop policies and strategies and drive their respective initiatives. Below is an outline of the various committees associated with sustainability.

Category Terms of reference Committee chairperson Meeting Frequency (FY2023)
〈Committee within the Board〉
Sustainability Committee Strengthens and advances sustainability management within the Company and its entire Group. External Member of Board 3 / year*
Preliminary deliberation of items for the Board and decision-making on tasks delegated by the Board. Chairperson: President 1 / week
〈Special Committees〉
Compliance Committee Upon receiving updates about compliance promotion, highlights issues in the compliance system, and suggests measures to fortify the system, including preventive actions against potential violations of laws and regulations External Expert (Lawyer) 3 / year
〈Operation Committees〉
Technical Committee Encourages innovative technical development, establishes and contemplate various measures, and monitors their execution. President 8 / year
Central Safety Committee Discusses and advances matters concerning the Company’s safety management, prevention of environmental accidents, and guidance about safety, health, and environmental management for specialized contractors. Chief of Safety Administration Division 5 / year
Sustainability Promotion Committee Discusses important environmental and social issues, shares information on sustainability management initiatives, and makes recommendations to the Management Committee President 3 / year
Risk Management Committee Selection and deliberation of significant risks throughout the Company, and verification of the management status for those risks. Chief of Business Administration Division (CRO) 1 / year
Central Labor Affairs Committee Deliberates on the Company’s basic policies and advances various initiatives on labor issues, concerning professional contractors. President 1 / year
Digital Transformation (DX) Promotion Committee Establishes, contemplates and monitors the progress of DX advancement measures. Chief of Corporate Planning Office (CDO) 9 / year
Personnel Committee Discusses various personnel strategies and follows up and monitors their execution. Executive Vice President 17 / year
  • Note:Sustainability Committee meetings include written meetings.


In formulating [TAISEI VISION 2030], we identified sustainability transformation (SX) as one of the key medium- to long-term changes in the external environment and structure, and we recognize that these initiatives are becoming increasingly important.
As part of our strategy to promote sustainability, the [TAISEI VISION 2030] Achievement Plan outlines matters related to human capital and technology in the Fundamental Management Policy and matters related to sustainability strategy, safety, and quality in the Policy on Business Foundation Development. The Group is actively pursuing these initiatives.

Risk Management

As part of our company-wide risk management, we have developed a comprehensive risk management system that includes measures for addressing sustainability-related risks.

Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence

The Group strives to minimize the adverse impacts of its business on human rights and the environment throughout the supply chain by establishing and continuously implementing due diligence mechanisms for both human rights and the environment.

Indicators and Targets

In addition to KPIs related to materiality, we have established environmental targets and indicators related to human capital, and we are actively working toward these goals.

Key Stakeholders

Dialogue with Stakeholders

The Taisei Group’s fundamental approach towards its stakeholders is rooted in the principles of ESG and the SDGs. We fully acknowledge that our operations are supported by a diverse range of stakeholders, and we are dedicated to fulfilling our social responsibilities while pursuing sustainable growth and enhancing corporate value over the medium-to-long-term.
To achieve these goals, we believe it is essential to incorporate the insights gained through dialogue with stakeholders into our management practices, and we are actively pursuing various initiatives to do so.

Stakeholders Principles of Conduct Major Initiatives
Employees and their families
  • By respecting diversity and fostering active communication and networking both within and outside the company, we aim to create an open and dynamic corporate culture where all employees can thrive and their abilities are fully utilized. We will also focus on developing future human capital and enhancing employee engagement.
  • Corporate culture reform
  • President message delivery
  • Engagement survey
  • Direct dialogue between management and employees
  • With a broad understanding of society, we will continue to challenge ourselves with further technological innovation and creativity, while bringing together our expertise and know-how from the clients’ perspective. In this way, we will deliver optimal construction products and services that meet client needs and budgets, fulfilling their expectations and earning their trust.
Subcontractors and suppliers
  • We will establish relationships of fairness and mutual trust by clearly defining each party’s roles and responsibilities.
  • Based on the Declaration of Partnership Building, we will strive for coexistence, co-prosperity and added value throughout the supply chain.
Communities, NPOs, NGOs, and global environment
  • We will build strong relationships with local communities, foster dialogue and cooperation as a responsible corporate citizen, and contribute to the development of society.
  • We will work to realize a sustainable, environmentally friendly society.
  • Tour of worksites and Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
  • Dialogue and exchange of opinions with NPOs and NGOs
  • Social and cultural contributions
  • Environmental due diligence
Shareholders and investors
  • We will respect the rights of shareholders, ensure their substantial equality, and create an appropriate environment for exercising their rights.
  • The Company strives to enhance constructive dialogue and engagement with shareholders and investors, and to provide them with accurate information.
  • Financial results briefings for institutional investors and analysts
  • Individual meeting
  • Overseas IR
  • *Weblinks (Japanese only)

Participation in Initiatives

Participation in Initiatives
