- Environment(E)
- Realization of a Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Society
- Decarbonized Society
For Realization of a Decarbonized Society
Policies and Basic Approach
The TAISEI Group has established the Group's long-term environmental target "TAISEI Green Target 2050" to "Realization of a Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Society" as stated in the Environmental Policy, which defines our responsibilities, contributions through our business and initiatives toward the realization of a decarbonized society. The "Fundamental Concept" is described in the Environmental Policy.
As construction is the core business of the Taisei Group, the Group has a keen awareness of the effect of its business activities on the transition to a decarbonized society and the impact of the transition to a decarbonized society on business activities. We consider it to be our responsibility to reduce CO2 emissions from business and related activities to Zero by 2050.
Contribution Through Our Business
The Taisei Group identifies the risks and opportunities in anticipation of the achievement of a decarbonized society. We strive to develop and disseminate technologies and services relating to energy-savings, decarbonization of construction materials, renewable energy and so on, and to promote possession of renewable energy power sources, so as to contribure to a decarbonized society.
Risks and Opportunities
Climate change and the resulting natural disasters are becoming more frequent and severe, threatening the safety and security of our homes and lives. This shift has led to a major global movement towards decarbonization, stretching from the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement and significantly influencing policies worldwide, including Japan, and raising expectations for the roles that businesses will play.
The Taisei Group considers the impacts of climate change on its business to be a critical management issue. We endorsed the TCFD recommendations in July 2020 and have been disclosing information in line with these recommendations since May 2021.
If the transition to a decarbonized society is delayed and the impacts of climate change are not mitigated, our group faces risks such as decreased productivity and an insufficient workforce due to worsening working conditions caused by rising summer temperatures, increased labor costs, and higher prices for construction materials due to supply chain disruptions resulting from frequent severe natural disasters. Additionally, inadequate efforts by our group may lead to lower evaluations from stakeholders and reduced business opportunities.
Meanwhile, as society moves toward decarbonization, our group anticipates increased demand for ZEBs (zero-energy buildings) and construction involving renewable energy, as well as for strengthening facilities and infrastructure to adapt to climate change. Our ongoing development and implementation of low-carbon and decarbonized building materials, such as Zero Carbon Buildings (T-ZCBs®) and environmentally friendly concrete (T-eConcrete®), will help us to secure and enhance our competitive advantage.
We believe that transitioning to a decarbonized society presents opportunities for enhancing corporate value and improving evaluations from stakeholders.
Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations
Policies / Commitments
- Action Guidelines for Taisei Personnel: Promoting environmental conservation and creation
- Environmental Policy
- TAISEI Green Target 2050: Realization of a decarbonized society
- Promise of Eco-First
- Taisei Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines
- Taisei Group Green Procurement Guideline
- Green Procurement Standard Guideline
- [TAISEI VISION 2030] Achievement Plan / Policy on Business Foundation Development: Sustainability Strategy (Environment and Energy)
TAISEI Green Target 2050: Group's long-term environmental targets
CN: Achieving and deepening carbon neutrality
- Scope 1+2, zero CO2 emissions
- Scope 3, zero CO2 emissions of the supply chain
2030 Environmental Target
Environmental Target | Total emissions |
Scope 1+2 CO2 emissions* | -42% |
Scope 3 CO2 emissions* | -25% |
* compared to FY2022

- As to KPIs, please refer to Materiality.
- SBTi
- GX League
- United Nations Global Compact “Environment”
- Challenge Zero (Japan Business Federation)
- Voluntary Environmental Action Plan for the Construction Industry (Japan Federation of Construction Industry)
Activities / Efforts
Measures towards Reduction
CO2 Emissions from Business Activities (Scope 1 + 2)
Scope 1 is mainly the emissions from fuel use for heavy machinery used at construction worksites and fuel consumption at asphalt composite materials plants and PC factories that manufacture precast concrete. Scope 2 is the electricity and heat used at Head Office, branches, sales offices, plants and worksites. For the reduction of Scope 1 emissions, the Taisei Group is working on the conversion to hybrid and electric heavy machinery and the utilization of alternative fuels. To cut Scope 2 emissions, besides holding renewable energy sources, we are conducting the conversion of branch offices and precast concrete plants into ZEB.
CO2 Related to Business Activities (Scope 3)
Scope 3 is mainly CO2 emitted until materials such as steel and ready-mixed concrete used in construction are produced and CO2 released during the use of buildings after delivery. The Taisei Group is promoting the selection of materials with low CO2 impact (green procurement) to reduce Scope 3 CO2 emissions. In addition, we are actively conducting the development and dissemination of technology for environmentally friendly concrete, T-eConcrete®, which significantly reduces CO2 emissions, and wooden construction using wood that stores CO2. Moreover, to reduce CO2 emissions from buildings after delivery, we are working on the advancement and popularization of Net Zero Energy Building (ZEB) as a leader of ZEBs, and also working on the Green Renewal ZEB project, which renovates existing buildings to convert them into ZEBs.
Decarbonization Technologies for Each Phase of Construction
The TAISEI Group is active in each phase of the construction process. Through the development of low-carbon materials, efforts to reduce CO2 emissions at the construction stage, developing ways to reduce energy consumption during building use, and providing technologies and services to reduce CO2 emissions and so on, we contribute to a sustainable decarbonized society.
T-ZCB (Zero Carbon Building)
To promote the construction of Zero Carbon Buildings that achieve net zero CO2 emissions during the life cycle of the structure, Taisei first visualized the CO2 emissions throughout the building's life cycle and the effectiveness of CO2 reduction technologies at the initial planning stage, and then constructed a T-ZCB (Zero Carbon Building) as a system that systematically evaluates the decarbonization of the structure.
Application of this system will enable us to support customers in planning construction that is in line with their CO2 emissions reduction goals as part of our efforts to realize a carbon-neutral society.
Moreover, we will employ T-ZCBs in the construction of the Taisei Group's Generation Technology Laboratory, which is under construction, to verify their effectiveness.

Fig. 1 CO2 emissions throughout the life cycle of the building
(circle size indicates degree of CO2 emissions in that phase)
Start of Construction of Taisei Group Next-Generation Technology Research Institute towards the Realization of Zero-Carbon Buildings

Taisei Corporation and Taisei Rotec Corporation have begun work on the construction of the Taisei Group Next-Generation Technology Research Institute in Satte City, Saitama Prefecture to develop diverse technologies and conduct field trials that will contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality. We aim to realize Japan’s first zero-carbon building as a newly established research and management facility.
T-LCA Simulator CO2
We have developed and are using the T-LCA Simulator CO2, a tool for evaluating CO2 emissions throughout the life cycle of buildings by visualizing CO2 emissions and reduction effects through the phases of procurement, construction, operation, repair, and demolition of building at the initial stage of planning.
Ⅰ. Zero Carbon Design
Reducing CO2 Emissions in the Procurement Phase: Selection of Materials that Do Not Emit CO2
T-eConcrete® environmentally friendly concrete that dramatically reduces CO2 emissions
More than 90% of CO2 associated with the manufacture of concrete materials is emitted during the manufacture of Portland cement. By replacing some or all of the cement used in concrete material with industrial byproducts or carbon-recycling products, T-eConcrete® makes CO2 emission reduction, or even net negative CO2 emissions, possible.

T-Carbon Mixing that sprays and fixes CO2 during concrete mixing

TAISEI has developed a technology called T-Carbon Mixing to fix approximately 10 kg/m3 of CO2 in concrete. During the concrete mixing stage, CO2 is sprayed directly on the concrete materials to fix the CO2 while maintaining the alkalinity that is essential to for corrosion prevention of reinforcements. Application of this technology to T-eConcrete® will make it possible to further reduce CO2 emissions.
Use of wood materials in that fix CO2

Promotion of wood use can mitigate climate change through CO2 fixing. At the same time, Wooden spaces will help to maintain physical and emotional health. TAISEI promotes the construction of wooden buildings using lumber, laminated wood, and other wooden materials that absorb and fix CO2 from the atmosphere as they grow.
Ⅱ. Zero Carbon Construction: Reducing CO2 in the Construction Phase
TSA:TAISEI Sustainable Action®, Environmental Impact Reduction Activities
All Group employees participate in activities to reduce environmental impact. A TSA Action List indicating specific technologies and activities that are effective in reducing environmental burdens has been prepared, and the effect of the activities is visualized and quantitatively evaluated using the TSA Point System with the purpose to lead to increased awareness and changes in behavior of our employees.
"ZEB Ready" certification obtained for temporary worksite office

As a pioneering achievement at the construction stage, TAISEI actively incorporated generic energy-saving technologies in temporary worksite offices such as thermal insulation performance improvement and installation of high-efficiency air conditioning and plumbing equipment, LED lighting and so on, in order to obtain ZEB Ready certification. In addition, we promote to obtain Nearly ZEB and Net ZEB certification by installing reuse solar panels that take into consideration resource recycling.
System to Measure and Aggregate Worksite CO2 Emission Data T-CARBON® / Watch

We are promoting the development and operation of the System to Measure and Aggregate Worksite CO2 Emission Data, which efficiently collects, consolidates, and visualizes Scope 1 and 2 at worksites utilizing cameras and AI image recognition functions installed at construction sites, external system information such as electricity consumption, electronic manifests, and in-house system information such as fuel purchases. As of FY2023, this is being implemented at all worksites in Japan.
Ⅲ.Zero Carbon Operation
Reducing CO2 Emissions in the Operation Phase: TAISEI Total Management of ZEB

Newly constructed ZEB
TAISEI Corporation defined "urban-style Zero Energy Building (ZEB)" as one with a zero annual energy balance for the individual building even on a narrow site in an urban area, regardless of the sunlight conditions. In 2014, we built a ZEB Demonstration Building in the Taisei Advanced Center of Technology (in Yokohama City). After this, the Taisei Group has been building on its extensive track record and know-how through projects that include office buildings, public research facilities, and renovations. We are working to promote and develop ZEBs in various facilities by proposing them to customers as an environmentally friendly solution that enhances real estate value.
Green Renewal ZEB
In Japan, CO2 emissions from buildings, such as offices and residences, are estimated to account for about one-third of all CO2 emissions.
In addition, on an annual basis, the total floor area represented by new buildings is only about 1% of the total floor area of all buildings in the nation.
Therefore, as a measure toward achieving carbon neutrality, it is essential to renovate existing buildings into buildings with low environmental impacts. The Taisei Group actively promotes converting existing buildings into ZEBs through our Green Renewal ZEB initiative.
TAISEI Corporation defines a Net Zero Energy Factory (ZEF) as a production facility that aims to reduce its annual primary energy balance to zero with energy conservation and generation. For ZEF, we appropriately assess the energy that will be consumed in the factory, including air conditioning, ventilation, lighting, hot water supply, and elevators in production areas of the plant, which were not previously included in ZEB assessments. We will promote the application of ZEF and enhance decarbonization activities under the name of “Green ZEF®".
TAISEI HOUSING CORPORATION, which constructs concrete houses, is working to promote the construction of "Zero Energy Houses (ZEH)." ZEH specifications are additionally provided for the company's Palcon residences, which incorporate precast concrete construction method that has durability, disaster-resilience, and offer safe and comfortable living environments. This makes it possible to provide housings that are both environment- and household budget-friendly.
TAISEI U-LEC Co Ltd., which constructs apartment buildings, is promoting the construction of Zero Energy House Apartment Buildings (ZEH-M). In addition, TAISEI-Yuraku Real Estate Co.,Ltd. which conducts real estate business, is working to convert apartments into ZEH-M. Such projects are implemented through cooperation on the part of Group companies, with TAISEI-Yuraku Real Estate Co Ltd., serving as the outsourcer and TAISEI U-LEC Co Ltd., performing the construction work.
Advanced Technologies to Achieve Decarbonization
Renewable Energy Sources Owned by the Group
Toward the realization of "TAISEI Green Target 2050," the Group's long-term environmental target, the Taisei Group has been promoting the possession of renewable energy sources with the aim of covering the Group's electricity consumption by fiscal 2030. Furthermore, to achieve zero emissions in Scope 2, we will utilize environmental value (non-fossil certificates) created from our own power sources.

Optimization of supply and demand using CEMS
A Community Energy Management System (CEMS) is a system that manages the energy for an entire community. The energy center is connected to individual customers via IT and optimizes the energy balance.
TAISEI worked with energy companies to develop a CEMS for the I-block area around Shin-Sapporo Station in Hokkaido. The goal was to incorporate knowledge from both the supply side and the demand side to achieve energy optimization of both supply and demand. Statistical AI is used for factor analysis in the event of efficiency deterioration and in anticipating demand. This achieves not only supply and demand optimization but also makes the energy system more visible and easy to understand.

Decarbonization through factory P2G system

to convert excess power from renewable energy
into gaseous hydrogen to achieve carbon neutrality.
The purpose of a Power to Gas (P2G) system is to convert excess power from renewable energy into gaseous hydrogen to achieve carbon neutrality. A small-scale package P2G system, which is being developed by Yamanashi Prefecture in cooperation with a private company, has been introduced at the Kawagoe Factory of TAISEI U-LEC Co., Ltd. The green hydrogen produced by the photovoltaic power generation system installed at the factory is burned in a hydrogen boiler, and the heat that is derived is used in the curing process for the manufacture of precast concrete panels that will become concrete members for construction, aiding in the decarbonization of this factory. When the power produced by the photovoltaic power generation system at the plant exceeds that amount consumed in-house, the excess power is consigned to another location of the TAISEI Group, thus consumed electricity can be used up without curtailing output.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology
A technology to safely store the CO2 emitted from power stations, steel plants, cement factories and other facilities in a deep underground reservoir is being developed.

- *CCS (Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage) : Effective technology for large-scale CO2 emission reduction, in which CO2 emitted from power plants, steel mills, cement plants, etc., is separated and captured, transported to a suitable location, and stored in a leak-proof reservoir (a gap in the rock) at a depth of approximately 1,000 m or more.
Carbon recycling CO2 geothermal power generation technology
A revolutionary geothermal power generation technology is being developed in which CO2 is force-injected into geothermal reservoirs heated to a high temperature by geothermal heat and then recovered to generate electricity that is not dependent on hydrothermal resources.

Floating type offshore wind power generation technology
TAISEI is developing a simulation technology to accurately predict the quantity of power generated through wind power generation as well as concrete float foundation technologies.

Hydrogen use technologies
TAISEI is participating in a demonstration project to built a hydrogen supply chain from renewable energy-derived hydrogen to storage, transport, supply and use.